Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce Members Offer

Discounted documentation fee offer for fellow members

Liquid Corporate Finance announce special offer to Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce members.

As an exclusive offer for all Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce members; upon completion of your business finance transaction, we will refund up to 50% of your documentation fee*

MD, Joe Barbera:

We are very proud members of the Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce and realise that we can offer an invaluable service to businesses in Cambridgeshire and across the UK.  Businesses are reliant on their ability to seek finance for assets or for cashflow purposes.  We are perfectly positioned to help with a carefully managed lender portfolio that allows us to fund a wide range of businesses; from new starts, right up to blue chip companies

We are, therefore, pleased to offer our fellow members the opportunity to keep their initial funding costs down by offering this exclusive promotion and welcome the opportunity to help fund their businesses,

If you would like to discuss how we can help fund your business, contact us via the details below:

0333 772 1782

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* Minimum advance of £25,000
* Up to the value of £150

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